The popular CBS show "How I Met Your Mother" has delved into the internet marketing realm. On Monday's episode, character Barney, played by Neil Patrick Harris (or NPH as Harold and Kumar like to call him), is on a quest for a woman who's trying to sabotage his latest female conquests. So the gang gets together and creates a bracket to deliberate on which of his former flings might be the culprit. During his search, he locates a woman he once went out with, who, after being burned, created a website chronicling his flaws.
The only problem is that when Barney seduced this woman, he called himself Ted Mosby, the main character in the show (the one who narrates the show to his future children). So, she created, which CBS has created into an actual site. It's pretty funny, complete with drawings of Ted (Barney) being eaten by dinosaurs, and including the letter he left her while she was in the shower, calling her "resident" because he couldn't remember her name. The best part is the 20 minute song that plays in the background of the site's homepage.
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I love that show!! That was a great episode too. You know, if I had thought about that, I would have made some I hate "pick the ex" websites too. Good thing I'm not bitter, with the knowledge from this class, I could do some serious online damage=).
HIMYM is the best show these days! yay!
i like this show a lot it one my fav serial...
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